Blossom is desexed now and has a wonderful new home keeping Sascha company in Blayney. Sascha will be happier with doggy company and her owners will be happy to have a dog who actually does like people!
Blossom is a Golden Retriever, American Cocker Spaniel cross. I didn’t breed her but saw her one day when visiting another breeder. I thought she was absolutely beautiful – just like a Golden Retriever only Kelpie sized. I admired her so much that when the breeder decided to “down size” she offered her to me.
She has had several litters now and her puppies have all been gorgeous and have grown into lovely dogs. She will be retiring at the end of 2016.
Non shedding and medium sized these crossbred puppies are “composites” and they have inspired a whole new direction in my breeding program which I will be writing more about soon.
Here are some of Blossom’s babies from previous litters: