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The following ‘problem’ behaviours are normal dog behaviours that people tend to find annoying. All dogs will do these things if given the opportunity and if not trained to behave more acceptably. Nuisance barking Most dogs will bark at strangers,… Read more...

Trial and error shapes most of the learnt behaviour of dogs and like people, they begin to learn as soon as they are born. In order to train your dog to sit, stay or jump through hoops you need to… Read more...

Pups become house-trained by developing a habit. It usually takes about 2-4 weeks of constant vigilance. You need to know a few basic facts about elimination behaviour: Pups are most likely to poo or wee after sleep, a meal or… Read more...

Teaching your dog good manners is no different to teaching your children manners in your family hierarchy. Good manners – like the hierarchical behaviour of a dog pack – are the social lubricant that ensures that friction is minimised in… Read more...