This is Ralph – Son of Blaze, father of most of our Miniretrievers and Cavoodles. He is a Ruby Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (CKCS) carrying the ‘merle’ gene which he inherited from Blaze’s grandfather who was a Koolie sheep dog. He was born in March 2014. The touch of Koolie means his conformation is not extreme – he has a longish nose with room for all his teeth, his head isn’t particularly domed and his eyes aren’t too prominent – so he’s not likely to develop Syringomyelia (a horrible problem related to the head conformation of CKCS)
Temperamentally he’s a typical CKCS. Extremely affectionate and friendly, and the touch of Koolie perhaps makes him a little smarter than the average CKCS. In Stanley Coren’s list Cavs come out in the middle of the pack for trainability.